Club Meetings - 2nd Tuesday of the Month

EDKRA 2024 Try-A-Kart Program dates are coming soon!

Do you dream of racing? Are you considering getting into karting? Not sure what it is all about or how to get started?

The EDKRA Try-A-Kart program is exactly what you need.

Classroom and on-track experience for ages 8 – 80+. Learn about karts, kart categories, kart maintenance, the track, racing line, flags, safety and much more.

Then hit the track!

Our story
Our mission


 Try-A-Kart Classes Available:

Briggs L206 Cadet: Age 8-10

Briggs L206 Standard: Age 11+

If you have any questions regarding the Try-A-Kart program, please contact us!

What's it like racing at EDKRA?